Why Join?
Some of the benefits of membership: 1. Ten monthly meetings from February to November provide demonstrations, informative talks and workshops as well as contact with other growers. There is also a May "Show" lunch and a Christmas Luncheon in early December to present Annual Trophies and celebrate the year. 2. Meetings include a competition table of plants where growers’ plants are judged and points awarded. The points are accumulated over the year toward trophies at the Christmas function. 3. Each meeting has a Trading Table and members are able to sell plants or purchase all the supplies they will need for growing African violets and other Gesneriads as well as a selection of plants for sale. 4. There is a library of books and digital material about African violets and other Gesneriads that are listed on the web-based index and available for loan to members. There is also a web-based database of plants being grown in WA. 5. The Society website has a lot of additional information available in the members only area and when you become a member you are given the password for access to the library index and all the additional material, including videos, available in the members area. You can apply for membership in one of the following ways:
1 To provide a convenient and beneficial association of people interested in African Violets (Saintpaulia) and other Gesneriads and provide opportunities for members to meet and socialise with others who share similar interests. 2 To stimulate an interest in the propagation and culture of African Violets and other Gesneriads. 3 To promote the distribution of varieties and species among the members and others interested in growing them to ensure sustainability. 4 To endeavor to correctly name African Violets and other Gesneriads. 5 To gather and publish reliable, practical information on the culture and propagation of African Violets, other Gesneriads and articles of interest. 6 To do anything lawful to promote the above objectives. |
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