The Gesneriad Council of Australia and New Zealand Seed Fund
The Gesneriad Council of Australia and New Zealand Seed Fund provide members access to seeds that are available and communicated annually.
Gesneriad Council Seed List
Members are entitled to order 5 packets of seed, free of charge, per order. More than one order may be placed each year.
Please send orders, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a list of substitutes to the Seed Fund coordinator (refer to the current seed fund list document).
Please provide feedback on the germination and success of the seeds to the Seed Fund coordinator as this assists in managing the Seed Fund.
Happy growing.
Gesneriad Council Seed List
Members are entitled to order 5 packets of seed, free of charge, per order. More than one order may be placed each year.
Please send orders, enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a list of substitutes to the Seed Fund coordinator (refer to the current seed fund list document).
Please provide feedback on the germination and success of the seeds to the Seed Fund coordinator as this assists in managing the Seed Fund.
Happy growing.